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Colorama Scarlet Crape Myrtle is a show-stopping deciduous tree with stunning scarlet-red flowers that bloom from summer to fall. Drought-resistant and low-maintenance, it can grow up to 20 feet tall and is perfect for gardens and landscapes.
Colorama Scarlet Crape Myrtle is a stunning deciduous tree that can grow up to 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide. It is known for its vibrant, crimson-red flowers that bloom in large, showy clusters during the summer months. The tree has a multi-stemmed growth habit and develops a beautiful, smooth bark with a cinnamon-brown color that peels away to reveal a light, silver-gray color underneath. Its foliage is a rich green color, turning to a yellow-orange in the fall. The Colorama Scarlet Crape Myrtle is a hardy and low-maintenance tree that thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. It is resistant to disease and drought and attracts butterflies, making it an excellent choice for any garden or landscape.